So here's the status / options at this point:
#1 Choice:
1 program left with an open ENT slot - Iowa. (Research track, 7 year program). Dunno when they will decide on that - hopefully early tomorrow, but I am not optimistic.
#2 Choice:
Hooking up with a prelim / intern year general surgery program at a location that happens to have an ENT program as well - so can work toward transitioning into that program for next year. Top candidates now (depending on open slots on Wednesday morning) include Rush in Chicago and Vanderbilt in Nashville. Some other places too - may need to resort to DISTANT places like Pennsylvania, NY, or California. IF they have slots open still by then!!!
#3 Option:
Hook up with any prelim general surgery year I can scramble into, and worry about ENT with next year's applications. I may be accepted as a 2nd year resident, or I may have to repeat an intern year. Dunno what decides that yet.
#4 (last) option:
Plan to delay entering residency for another year. There are myriad things I could be doing in the "downtime" - not gonna bother listing them now. But they include a few things that will make matching next year a piece of cake. Theoretically.
So we'll see what we see. Ugh.
In better news, VISA stuff is "moving along" and the paperwork will be in Malaysia within 1 week. One more / less thing to worry about.....
Life is fun, no?
Bullet Sunday 894
2 days ago
1 comment:
That which does not kill you, makes you stronger! (Some asshole named Nietzche)
Been thinking about you a lot and am sorry you have to go through all of this. It's also so unfortunate that Lynne isn't with you for moral support right now. I am very glad to hear things are moving along on that front, though! (HI LYNNE!) Like I said yesterday, if you want to talk, I'm here to listen. By the way, did Dad or Mom mention that we are having a bday gathering in Dixon next weekend? ;-) Please come. PLEASE. PPPLLLLEEEEEEAAAAAASSSEEE!
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